Pharmacy Benefit Dimensions® members can get more from their prescription plan, including convenient access to specialty drugs, mail-order services and state-of-the-art online tools and resources.
In addition to filling prescriptions at a pharmacy, you may also be able to have them delivered directly to your home by using a mail-order pharmacy.* If you are a Medicare Advantage Plan member, learn more about this convenient option.

Specialty Rx
To add value and accessibility to your pharmacy benefits, we offer a specialized prescription drug program for certain specialty medications through Reliance Rx.

Mail Order
Pharmacy Benefit Dimensions offers mail order pharmacy services. You can use these services to obtain a 90-day supply of maintenance medications.

Online Tools
Current Members: Log in above to access your personal benefit information and helpful tools.
New Members: Gain access to your personal plan details and more by clicking Register in the box above and following a few simple steps – have your Pharmacy Benefit Dimensions ID card handy.