The Hill and TransparencyRx: Prescribing PBM Reform
Accelerating Transparency with Bipartisan Action
Washington, D.C. – March 6, 2024 – In partnership with TransparencyRx, Pharmacy Benefit Dimensions’ President, Lynne Reilly, visited Washington D.C. to speak with industry leaders, stakeholders and decision-makers about the need for PBM reform and true transparency in order to reduce prescription costs for plans and members. The discussion, facilitated by The Hill, focused on accelerating transparency with bipartisan action and evaluated what comprehensive PBM reform really looks like.
In the midst of ongoing deliberations on Capitol Hill regarding PBM reform, Lynne shared the stage with other outspoken champions of affordability in health care, and delivered a loud and clear message that true transparency is of critical importance to containing the cost of prescription medications for plans and their members.
Pharmacy Benefit Dimensions’ 25-year commitment to transparency matches words with actions, proving that an unambiguous, value-based pharmacy benefit management is the key to reducing costs and sharing savings across the health care spectrum. As a key takeaway, Lynne remarked: “By eliminating spread pricing, we can help patients see immediate savings at the pharmacy counter.”
Together with TransparencyRx, Pharmacy Benefit Dimensions will continue to advocate for reform in health care that would deliver sound policy solutions to advance affordability of prescription medications for plans and members.